pixel art

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metal slug spriting tutorial - by division 六


CRT effect in aseprite

  1. multiply sprite size by 300%
  2. create a 3x3 shadow mask on a new top layer following this layout.
    #ff0000 #00ff00 #0000ff
    #ff0000 #00ff00 #0000ff
    #000000 #000000 #000000
  3. select the mask and press ctrl+B to use it as a brush.
  4. fill the layer with the mask using the fill tool.
  5. change the layer mode to multiply.
  6. flatten the image to one layer, and then duplicate that layer and upscale 200% using bilinear filtering.
  7. use the blur tool on the top duplicated layer. can do multiple passes.
  8. change the top layer’s blend mode to either lighten, screen, color dodge, or addition.
  9. (optional) can duplicate the top layer again and add more blur and switch the opacity and blend modes until you get a result you like.

credit to [https://sako.neocities.org/]SaKo